Sunday, 21 January 2018

What is surrogate mother?

What is a surrogate?

Surrogate mother meaning: A surrogate mother is a woman who will carry a baby or babies for some intended parents. A surrogate can be a gestational surrogate (or carrier) or traditional surrogate (or carrier)

What is a gestational surrogate mother?

A gestational surrogate mother will complete a gestational surrogacy journey. What is it? gestational surrogacy is is the most common tуре оf Аssіstеd Rерrоduсtіvе Тесhnоlоgу (АRТ) trеаtemеnts.  In this treatment, the sperm fertilizes the ovum outside the body, and the physicians implant the fertilized egg into the uterus of a mother.  The IVF cycles take at least four to six weeks to complete.  However, women will need to endure cycles to get pregnant.
what is a surrogate mother
According to the medical science, girls under the age of 35 have 30% - 40% chances of getting pregnant through IVF and this percentage drops when the age increases.  Therefore, most of the surrogate agencies prefer the women below 30 years to work as a surrogate as the age is less, the odds of getting pregnant through IVF will be.  The IVF treatment has four major steps.

What is a surrogacy IVF treatment?

Ovarian Simulation: In this step, the fertility drugs prescribed by the doctor should be taken by the intended mother.  These medications are taken for 12 to 14 days as instructed by the physicians.  These medications help mimic the ovaries of a female to produce healthier ovum instead of producing only one ovum.  Successful In-Vitro fertilization treatment requires multiple eggs as some eggs may or may not fertilize through the procedure.  The physicians use a blood test and ultrasound therapy to find when the ova are ready for retrieval.
surrogate mother meaning
Egg retrieval: Once the ova are ready for retrieval, the physicians do transvaginal ultrasound aspiration to recover ova from the intended mother's body.  Doctors remove oocytes from the ovary of a body to enable fertilization outside the body.  A little bit of anesthesia is given to do this therapy.  When the matured ova are located through the ultrasound guidance, the physician inserts the needle into the follicles and recover the matured ova using suction.
Insemination: After retrieving the ova, the doctors check them and sort the best that holds the most potential for successful fertilization.  The physicians place the potential ovum in a cultured medium of IVF to expect insemination.  Meanwhile, doctors separate sperm from the intended father's semen.  The swimmer is then added to the ovum.
what is a surrogate
Fertilization: Normally, in just a few hours, the swimmers that are best fertilize it and penetrate the ovum.  The physicians confirm the fertilization only when they visually observe the formation of two pronuclei.  These pronuclei are the basis of embryo formation.  The two pronuclei are united to form the nucleus of a zygote which then divides into an embryo.  Two to four cell embryo can be seen by an individual approximately two days after the creation of an embryo.  Оn thе thіrd dау, а sіх tо tеn сеll еmbrуо іs gоіng tо bе fоrmеd.  One of the fifth days, the fertilized embryo appears as a blastocyst, a fluid cavity that leads to the formation of the placenta and fetal tissues.  At this point, the fluid cavity is injected into the uterus of a surrogate mother to carry a pregnancy for the remaining nine months.
When trying to answer what is a surrogate mother you need to learn about what is surrogacy and the different types of surrogacy processes.
Learn more about what is a surrogate mother: